
What foreigners should consider when changing jobs in Japan

Some foreigners working in Japan may be thinking about changing jobs.
Foreigners thinking of changing jobs ask, "What should I do if I want to change jobs in Japan?" Do I need to renew my status of residence? and "Do I need to renew my status of residence?
In this article, we will explain some of the things to think about and key points to consider when changing jobs in Japan.

Points to keep in mind when changing jobs in Japan

Let's check your status of residence.

If you have a status of residence to work in Japan, such as "Technical/Humanities/International Services" or "Specified Technical Skills," check to see if the job you want or the company you are changing jobs with allows you to work with the status of residence you currently have.
Depending on the nature of your duties, you may need to change your status of residence.
It is important to make sure that your job search goes smoothly.

Start your job search early.

When changing jobs, it takes time to prepare application documents and schedule interviews.
The more companies you apply to, the more time it will take.
In addition, if you have a status of residence to work in Japan but are not working, your status of residence may be revoked.
Therefore, we recommend that you begin your job search while you are still working and that you leave after you have a job.

(Source:出入国在留管理庁 在留資格の取消し(入管法第22条の4)

Let's sort out what we've been through.

Organize what experience you have had and what skills are your strengths.
You may want to reflect on the points that were valued in your workplace.

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How do you answer the "reason for changing jobs" question asked in an interview?

During job interviews when changing jobs, you may be asked why you are changing jobs.
It is important to turn what is backward for the recruiter into a positive thought and talk about it.

If you are changing jobs because you are bored at work
→ Want to use my work experience to take on new challenges and improve my skills

What procedures are required when a foreigner changes jobs in Japan?

When you change jobs, you must go through the Immigration Control Agency.
Note that the procedure differs depending on the situation, such as a change in status of residence.

Submit a "所属(契約)機関に関する届出" 

When changing jobs, you must submit "所属(契約)機関に関する届出 (Notification of Affiliation (Contract) Organization)" with the Immigration Agency within 14 days.
This notification is necessary for the Residency Management Bureau to properly manage the company you are working for.
You can submit a notification at the nearest regional immigration office, or you can do so online or by mail.

Failure to file this report may result in a fine, so be sure to do so.

(Source:出入国在留管理庁 所属(契約)機関に関する届出(高度専門職1号イ又はロ、高度専門職2号(イ又はロ)、研究、技術・人文知識・国際業務、介護、興行、技能、特定技能)

Here are some examples of the procedures and flow for each situation.

Pattern 1. If you change jobs but your duties remain the same

Get the "所属(契約)機関に関する届出" and  the "就労資格証明書".
"Notification of Affiliation (Contract) Organization" and  "Certificate of Employment Eligibility".
First, in case the new job has the same job description.

For example, let’s consider the following situation.

Before changing jobs:
Status of residence:
Technical/Humanities/International Services

After changing jobs:
Occupation: Programmer
Status of residence:
Technical/Humanities/International Services

If you can continue to work with the same status of residence, you do not need to change your status of residence.
You only need to submit "Notification of Affiliation (Contract) Organization" to keep working.
However, we recommend that you also obtain the "就労資格証明書 (Certificate of Eligibility for Employment)".
The "Certificate of Eligibility for Employment" is a document that certifies whether or not you are able to work in your new company's job description.
If you only submit the "Notification of Affiliation (Contract) Organization," you will need as much preparation and time for the next renewal of your status of residence as you did when you first obtained your status of residence.
This is because the new company or business has not yet been vetted.
If you have obtained the "Certificate of Eligibility for Employment," it will facilitate the renewal of your status of residence, since it proves that you can work in your current company's business.
(出典:出入国在留管理庁 就労資格証明書交付申請

Pattern 2: When the nature of work changes + status of residence remains the same

The next is a case where the job description changes, but the duties can be performed within the scope of the same status of residence.

For example, consider the following:

Before changing jobs:
Occupation: IT Engineer
Status of residence: Technical/Humanities/International

After changing jobs:
Occupation: Technical Interpreter
Status of residence: Technical/Humanities/International Services

In such cases, you can work within the same "Technical/Humanities/International Services" status of residence.
Other than the " Notification of Affiliation (Contract) Organization", no other procedures are required, but it is better to obtain a "Certificate of Eligibility for Employment" as in Pattern 1.

Pattern 3: Job remains the same + period of staying is less than 3 months

This is a case where the duties remain the same, but the period of stay is less than 3 months remaining.
During this period, you can renew your status of residence, so you should apply for "permission to extend your period of stay".
However, if you are not allowed to work for that company at the time of renewal, you may not be able to renew your status of residence.
If this happens, you may have to leave Japan.
Because of these risks, be careful when changing jobs after less than three months of residency.

(出典:出入国在留管理庁 在留期間更新許可申請

What if I have trouble finding a new job?

Find a job at ハローワーク(Hellowork)

ハローワーク(Hellowork) is an institution where you can consult about work and get job referrals.
There are also multilingual consultation services available.
Check to see if Hellowork in your area is multilingual.
厚生労働省:「都道府県労働局 ハローワーク

Consult with the Employment Service Center for Foreigners

The Employment Service Center for Foreigners provides job consultation and job referrals for highly skilled foreign workers.

Register with a temporary staffing agency

If you are having trouble finding a new job or are unsure of what kind of work you can do, one option is to register with a temporary staffing agency.
If you register with a temporary staffing agency, you will be introduced to jobs that match your experience and skills.

🔎 Find a job in JOB JOURNEY

Get ready for a new career

When changing jobs in Japan, foreign nationals should first find out if they can work with their status of residence and if they need to go through any procedures.
In addition to the procedures for status of residence, you will also need to prepare application documents and interviews, so if you are changing jobs, be sure to prepare as soon as possible.
Be sure to organize your experience and skills, as well as your reasons for wanting to change jobs, so that you can be successful in your job search.

Useful tips about job hunting

  Job Interviews in Japan: Dress Code and Manners for Success We explain some tips on how to dress and behave in order to make a good impression when job hunting in Japan. はたらく前に読んでみよう - JOB JOURNEY

  Finding a Job in Japan: How to Write an Effective Resume and CV We explain some tips for writing an effective resume and CV for foreigners looking for work in Japan. はたらく前に読んでみよう - JOB JOURNEY

Event Information

We will be participating in the 4th International Job Fair Tokyo! This job fair is targeted at highly skilled foreign professionals and those with specific skills. Look for us in our blue jackets—we can't wait to meet you! :)

📅 Dates: November 8, 2024 (Friday) 10:00-17:00, and November 9 (Saturday) 10:00-16:00 📍 Location: Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Trade Center Hamamatsucho Hall(MAP)

For Jobseekers

If you’re living in Japan and looking for a job change,
check out JOB JOURNEY to find your next opportunity!

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