
Emergencies in Japan: What Foreigners Need to do

If a foreigner living in Japan gets into some kind of trouble, they may not always know what to do.
To prepare for such a sudden event, this article provides information on emergency contacts and procedures that foreigners should know how to deal with them.

Police (110)

The number to call the police is 110.

  • Your wallet was stolen.
  • You ware hit by a stranger.
  • You have been in an accident.

In such cases, contact the police immediately.

Learn the phrases to use when making a report.

On the phone, you will be asked the following questions. Answer as calmly as possible.

Police: Is it an incident or an accident?

You: My bag has been stolen.

Police: When was that?

You: Now.
*If time has passed, tell them so they know the time, like "It was 5 minutes ago"

Police: Please tell us your location.

You: __ (address).
*If you don't know the address, tell what other buildings are nearby.

Police: What is the situation?

You: I was walking and my bag was taken. I don't know who took it.

Police: What is your name and contact information?

You: This is __ (name). You can contact me at ____ (phone number) 

Reference: :千葉県警察「正しい110番の利用方法」)

If you cannot communicate in Japanese or cannot hear well, ask someone nearby to help you.

Ambulance (119)

The number to call for an ambulance is 119.

  • When you find someone lying in the street
  • In case of sudden serious illness or severe injury

In such cases, call "119".

Be careful when calling for an ambulance.

In Japan, it does not cost money to call an ambulance.
But call an ambulance only for urgent and severe situations.
If you catch a cold or have a minor injury, go to the hospital by yourself.

Let's learn phrases for calling an ambulance.

On the phone, you will be asked the following questions. Answer as calmly as possible.

Fire Department:Is it a fire or an emergency?

You: It is an emergency. 

Fire Department: What is your address?

You: My address is __ (street address).
*If you don't know the address, tell what buildings are nearby.

Fire department: How can I help you?

You: My friend fell down holding his chest. 
*Tell them what happened.

Fire department: How old are you?

You: I am __ years old.

Fire Department: What is your name and contact information?

You: This is __ (name). My contact number is __ (phone number).

Fire Department: Okay. We will head there immediately.

Reference :総務省消防庁「消防救急無線・119番緊急通報」)

If someone collapses and you call an ambulance, tell them if you know if the person is conscious or breathing.
If you do not know the age, give an approximate age, such as in your 20s.

Fire Truck (119)

If you are in a fire or find a fire, call "119" as well as an ambulance.

Let's learn phrases for calling a fire truck (in case of fire).

On the phone, you will be asked the following questions. Answer as calmly as possible.

Fire Department: 119, Fire Department. Is it a fire or an emergency?

You: Fire.

Fire Department: What is your address?

You: __ (address). 
*If you don't know the address, tell what buildings are nearby.

Fire department: What is burning?

You: The house next door is on fire.

Fire Department: What is your name and contact information?

You: This is __ (name). My contact number is ____ (phone number).

Fire Department: Okay. We will head there immediately.


For other emergencies, consult your embassy or consulate.

It varies from country to country, but in general, you should contact or consult with the embassy when any of the following occur

  • Lost or stolen passport
  • When emergencies such as natural disasters or wars occur
  • When you need to contact your family in an emergency
  • When legal troubles arise, etc.

🔗 List of embassies in Japan

And lastly

You never know when or where a crime, sudden illness, or fire may occur.
Remembering what to do in an emergency will help you act calmly and quickly.
Basically, wherever you contact, you will be asked about ;

  • When
  • Where (address)
  • Situation at that time
  • Name and contact information

Simple Japanese is fine, so give as much detailed information as possible.

Event Information

We will be participating in the 4th International Job Fair Tokyo! This job fair is targeted at highly skilled foreign professionals and those with specific skills. Look for us in our blue jackets—we can't wait to meet you! :)

📅 Dates: November 8, 2024 (Friday) 10:00-17:00, and November 9 (Saturday) 10:00-16:00 📍 Location: Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Trade Center Hamamatsucho Hall(MAP)

For Jobseekers

If you’re living in Japan and looking for a job change,
check out JOB JOURNEY to find your next opportunity!

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