The Real Cost of Living in Japan
Those who would like to live or work in Japan may be wondering what and how much living expenses are involved. This article will introduce you to the realistic cost of living in Japan. Know the costs of living in Japan and prepare for them before coming to Japan.
Table of Contents[非表示]
What is the cost of living in Japan?
When living in Japan, the following are basic living expenses.
How much is the cost of living?
According to data published by the Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the average cost of living for a single person is roughly 152,593 yen.
Housing costs vary by region and are not discussed here.
The basic living expenses are as follows.
Food |
44,369 yen |
Utilities Charge |
11,383 yen |
Cell phone and Internet bills |
6,754 yen |
Traveling expenses |
4,407 yen |
Daily necessities* |
6,398 yen |
Hobbies and entertainment expenses** |
33,470 yen |
Source:総務省統制局 「第4表 世帯人員・世帯主の年齢階級別 1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出(総世帯)」より引用
*日用品・・・総務省統制局 第4表 世帯人員・世帯主の年齢階級別 1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出(総世帯)「家具・家事用品」を参考
**趣味・交際費・・・総務省統制局 第4表 世帯人員・世帯主の年齢階級別 1世帯当たり1か月間の収入と支出(総世帯)「その他の消費支出」を参考
Differences in rents between urban and rural areas
Housing costs in Japan vary by region.
Average rent for a single-room apartment in each prefecture
Low housing costs:
(Source: 全国賃貸管理ビジネス協会「全国家賃動向 2024年2月調査」) |
Thus, there is a significant difference even within the same Japan. Living in cities like Tokyo and Osaka can lead to high rent and even higher food costs. On the other hand, it has the advantage of convenient living. When deciding where to live, you should also consider your monthly living expenses.
How to Save Money in Japan
How to save on housing costs
Housing costs are a large part of the cost of living. When choosing a place to live, check to see if there are monthly fees that must be paid, such as administrative fees as well as rent.
Even if you choose a property with low rent, you will not save money if the management fee is high.
Rent in a shared house can be less expensive than renting a single-room apartment.
Let us examine it carefully and consider it.
To save on housing costs, it is also recommended to work in a dormitory or a job with rent assistance.
🔎 Search for jobs with free-dormitory or subsidized rent at JOB JOURNEY
How to save money on food
Food costs vary depending on whether you eat out or cook for yourself (i.e., do your own cooking).
Eating out is convenient, but it can be more expensive than cooking for yourself. It is often more economical to buy food from the supermarket and cook it yourself.
When shopping at the supermarket, check the flyers for sale information and coupons.
How to save on transportation costs
If you often use trains or buses for commuting or going out, we recommend that you buy a commuter pass. Depending on the train or bus, a commuter pass may be cheaper than buying a ticket for each ride.
Commuter passes can be purchased at the station counter or from a ticket vending machine.
Walking or biking are other ways to save on transportation costs.
In Japan, some people choose to walk or bike not only to save money, but also for health and environmental reasons.
How to save money on hobbies
When spending money on a hobby, it is important to set a budget. Doing so will reduce waste.
Attending free events and spending time in parks are also recommended as hobbies that do not cost a lot of money.
And lastly
Think about your life in Japan after you know how much money you will have to spend on what.
Once you start living in Japan, it is important to maintain a balance between income and expenses.
Saving money will also prevent you from overspending and will help you to be financially stable.