How to Read Japanese Food Labels: What Foreigners Need to Know
Food products in Japan have a variety of information on their labels and boxes.
This article introduces foreigners in Japan how to read Japanese food labels.
Words used on food labels
名称 ("Meisho")
The name of the product.
原材料名("Genzai ryo mei")
Ingredient name
These are materials used in food products. They are listed in order of greatest to least amount used.
Here you will find foods, seasonings, and additives. If you do not know any of the words, check them out one by one.
内容量(" Naiyoryo")
Amount of Contents
It says how much the product contain. (e.g., 60g)
賞味期限・消費期限("Shomikigen" "Shohikigen")
Expiration date ・Consumption date
Food products are marked with either an expiration date or a consumption date.
賞味期限 Expiration date
This indicates the date when you can eat the food tastily.
消費期限 Consumption date
This indicates the date by which you can eat or consume the food safely. You should not eat the food after the expiration date.
保存方法(" Hozon Hoho")
Storage Method
It describes how to safely store the food.
[例] |
栄養成分 (" Eiyo Seibun")
Nutrition Facts
It describes the nutritional content of the food.
It describes the amount of calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates, and salt equivalent (sodium) in the food.
Allergen-specified raw materials, etc.
It states that foods that may cause allergies are included in the product.
Allergens that must be labeled (In Japan):
Shrimp, crab, walnuts, wheat, buckwheat, eggs, milk, peanuts
Please note the allergens listed on products differ from country to country.
Source:消費者庁 食品の期限表示(PDF) 、消費者庁 「知っておきたい食品の表示」(令和6年4月版)
What to look out for when choosing food
Where are the calories written?
Calories are written in energy on the "Nutrition Facts Label". (e.g., 130 Kcal)
Where are the additives written?
Additives are written in three diverse ways.
1. Written separately in a different section from the name of ingredients.
原材料名 |
いちご、砂糖 |
添加物 |
ゲル化剤(ペクチン)、酸化防止剤(ビタミンC) |
“添加物” means additives.
2.Written in a new line in the list of ingredients.
原材料名 |
いちご、砂糖 |
In this case, the second line is additive.
3.Written in the name of ingredients separated by "/".
原材料名 |
いちご、砂糖 /ゲル化剤(ペクチン)、酸化防止剤(ビタミンC) |
The right side of the / is the additive.
I have a food allergy and want to find out what is contained in the food
Check the "name of ingredients" and "allergen-specified materials, etc.".
Please note that the allergens indicated differ from country to country.
Among the materials there is a helpful information sheet when eating out.
Check off the foods you are allergic to and show it to the restaurant staff, and they will know what you are allergic to.
The labels of foods sold in Japan contain a variety of essential information.
This information, such as information about food ingredients, consumption period, and nutritional content, is helpful when choosing food products.
It recommends learning the words used on the labels and the names of the foods, especially if you have food allergies or restrictions.